
2019 Volkswagen Touareg Introduction video Euroncap crash test results ★★★★★

The new Volkswagen Touareg received a five-star rating at Euro NCAP.

Euroncap crash test results
The best note for Volkswagen's Touareg: Euro NCAP, the European consumer protection organization, gave the new luxury class model the highest possible rating of five stars. In the eyes of independent crash testers, the SUV performed perfectly in all categories.

During the rigorous testing of the iyor European New Car Assessment Program ategor (or in short: Euro NCAP), the five-star rating highlights Touareg as a particularly safe option in the vehicle category.

One of the most impressive aspects of the new Touareg is the comprehensive safety package consisting of an optimized body structure, belt, seat and airbag network and innovative support systems. The SUV also achieves very good results in the four individual Euro NCAP categories. In the category of ır adult passenger safety “, the vehicle receives 89 percent of the maximum score. Touareg also received 86 per cent for 72 child-passenger safety yol, 81 per cent for “Safety assistance 81 and 72 per cent for“ Precision road users Tou.

Introduction Exterior

An important benchmark for vehicle safety in Europe

Euro NCAP has been a firm benchmark for the safety level of new vehicles in Europe over the past 20 years. Over the past few years, the criteria for the testing program have become increasingly stringent and currently include elements such as different collision scenarios (including an aluminum barrier frontal collision at 40 mph and 40% overlapping, 40% overlapping collisions). bollard side effect at 32 km / h) and stricter demands on standard driver support systems.

Introduction Interior

Touareg continues on the road to success of its SUV product range

Following its launch in the spring of 2018, Touareg became the new flagship of the Volkswagen brand, characterized not only by its security features, but also by the fusion of assistance, comfort, lighting and infotainment missiles. As a result, Touareg has introduced the widest range of assistance, driving dynamics and comfort systems integrated into a Volkswagen.

This includes Night Vision (technologies that detect people and animals in the dark using a thermal imaging camera). Traffic Congestion and Road Work Lane Assistance (up to 60 km / h and braking assisted steering and lane departure warning), Front Cross Traffic Assistance (responding to traffic pass in front of Touareg), a new roll with electromechanical controlled bend stabilizer bars stabilization system, IQ.Light - LED Matrix headlights (interactive dipped beams and main beams controlled by the camera) and overhead display are reflected directly on the windshield (windscreen roof display).

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